Greetings from PNG!

It's hard to believe my first week in Papua New Guinea is almost done. Before I left, I told people that I felt like I was just getting to the top of a roller coaster. This first week has been like that initial thrill as you go over the top. It has been a blast. To be honest, this entire journey, which began months ago, has been thrilling.

I tend to be very cautious person, so taking a trip for two months to the other side of the world is a pretty big step for me. But throughout the process, God has clearly demonstrated that this is exactly what He wants me to be doing. For starters, He provided me with my airline tickets for rock-bottom prices. Like robbery kind of cheap. Over the summer, I saw Him provide all the funds necessary to take this trip. I've been overwhelmed repeatedly by the faithful provision of God through His people. 

I flew out of the USA on September 11 (I know, probably not the best date to fly, but the tickets were cheap!) and spent a couple days with relatives in Brisbane, Australia. With all the travelling, I never experienced September 12, 2013. It simply disappeared into the oblivion known as the "International Date Line." But hey, I'll get to experience November 28 (which happens to be Thanksgiving--I pick the best days to travel!) twice on my return, so it all works out. But I digress...

I arrived in Port Moresby (the capital of PNG) on Sunday, and spent Monday helping missionary Matt Allen work on a recently-purchased piece of land in the city (learn more about this new project here). That first day provided a good introduction to PNG culture, as we saw yet another person try to lay claim to the land (it turned out they were from a rival clan to the family that sold the land...things can get complicated in PNG). 

Bible FM Radio Tower
Tuesday we made the trek into Kotidanga, the tribal village where the Allens have been serving for over a decade. It's been quite a privilege to see what God has been doing among the Kamea people. Before the Allens arrived, there were no Bible-preaching churches. Today, there is a thriving Christian community among the Kamea people, not only in Kotidanga, but also in other surrounding communities. The ministry here now includes a church, Bible school, medical clinic, literacy classes, and soon, a radio ministry. We spent the better part of the week standing up the tower for Bible FM on Mount Yemya. It's been hard work, but it's been a lot of fun. Beyond that, it is thrilling to have a small part in a ministry that will further the gospel of Jesus Christ and make His name great. 

I appreciate the on-going prayer. My desire while I am here is not only to take part in the ministry, but also to discern God's will for my own life.

Worthy is the Lamb!


  1. Sam,
    We are praying for you and will continue to share your updates with the church.


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